Magic Dust
Dear friends,
Did I ever tell you one of my richest secrets to liveliness and longevity?
Magic dust.
No foolin’.
Magic dust.
That’s what I call ground flaxseed, ‘cus it looks like dust and it sure is magic. Packed with Omega 3’s, which are those power-punching nutrients that make your heart healthy and your skin happy. I throw it in everything. My morning quinoa concoction. Casseroles. And always in my salads to add a bit o’ nutty flavor.
Now remember, you need to grind those little seeds or they just go right through you, if you know what I mean… So next time you’re at a thrift store, find yourself a little coffee grinder and make it your official magic dust maker!
Every time I sprinkle flaxseed on something I smile and think to myself, “Lovin’ on my heart surely tastes good!”
Live Well,