Listen UP
Dear friends,
Do you hear yourself bemoaning the mundane tasks of life? “Why do I always have to do the dishes?!” Have you ever considered the Spirit does His best speaking when our hands are busy though our minds unencumbered? Doing the dusting, mowing the lawn, weeding the garden are perfect opportunities for the Good Shepherd to whisper in your ear. I can say for sure God’s given me some of my best ideas while I’m sortin’ laundry.
Now I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit sometimes God reminds me in the slow times about things I’d surely prefer to ignore. Like someone I need to forgive. Or something I’ve been procrastinating on. Or sometimes He nudges me to get my sinful self on my knees and contritely repent of my willfulness.
To whom did God announce the arrival of the new baby Jesus? Shepherds. You think that’s stimulating work, watching sheep eat? Lawdy no. And look at His fishermen disciples. There’s surely exciting times out in that big ol’ sea, but there’s also an abundance of boring sameness. Nets in. Nets out. Next day.
So next time you hear yourself whining about tedious tasks, or complaining about anything else not worth mentioning, listen UP. Raise your hands and your heart to your heavenly Father ’cus He just might be getting ready to anoint you with a blessing of wisdom.
Praise Jesus.
Live Well,